School Home Communication
We aim to establish good relations with parents and provide a focus for teacher to parent support, parent to teacher support and parent to parent support.
Parents Evenings
Once a term each kindergarten and other class teacher hosts a meeting for the parents in the class to enable a deeper understanding of the Green Field School, Ashta curriculum and how the class is running. These are set out in the school calendar but are subject to change. The teacher will address pedagogical questions, discuss issues concerning the development and progress of the class and give a briefing on any forthcoming outings or events. . We expect parents to attend the parents’ meeting if at all possible.
Access to Teachers
Good working relationships between teachers and parents are vital for the well being and progress of pupils at the school. However, the school does not expect its staff to be available for consultations at home or in their private time. Each teacher should have a weekly timetabled for meetings with parents. Appointments should be made through the office or via the class notice board.
School Reports
Reports are issued at the end of each year. They provide a deeper insight into the development of the child. In the older classes the reports may give positive suggestions to the child for things to work towards in the coming year.
Communication Policy
The school’s communication policy can be found on the Policies page here.